Robert Kiyosaki is a multi-millionaire entrepreneur ,real estate investor, and the author of the most popular finance book in history, Rich dad poor dad .
In this article i will be sharing with you 10 of the most inspiring advice from Robert kiyosaki. Make sure to read the whole post if you wish to understand what robert thinks in this line.
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1. If you want to go somewhere,its best to find someone who has been there
These people who have achieved what you want to achieve went through different faces of rejections, mistakes, failures and tears that made them smart enough to eventually achieve those dreams.
Now that you want to achieve, you don't have to reinvent the wheel.
You can avoid several mistakes just by figuring out who has done what you want to do and take time to learn from them.
Martin Luther King Jr., started his activism as a young adult and became one of the most famous activists the world ever knew. But how did he do it? He started the life and style of Mahatma Gandhi.
Warren Buffet is the richest and most famous investor in our world today. How did he get to that level?
He was a student of Benjamin Graham who happened to be an investor himself.
No matter what your dreams are, the very first thing to do is to figure out people who have achieved similar dreams in the past and study their lives and how they did it .
2. The biggest challenge you have is to challenge your own self-doubt and your laziness.
Your self-limiting beliefs, your self esteem, your negative attitude to life and possibilities.
As a human you have great powers to achieve unbelievable success, but if you are like most people, excuse making will keep you where you are forever.
Stop making excuses.Take charge of your life . dream big and pursue your dreams.
3. Complaining about your current position is worthless.have a spine and do something about it instead.
Every single poor person I know blames someone or something for his situation but you cannot tell me who will take you out of it, if that is not you.
Stop complaining about your problems because complaints and excuse making will never solve any problem. Kill excuse and plant action.
4.You need to wake up and realise that life doesn't wait for your.if you want something, get up and go after it.
Another common thing I have noticed among poor people is what I call “false hope”.
Most poor people in the world hope that somehow they will be rich in future.
Some believe that if the economy becomes better they will be rich. Some even believe that one day God will cause a thing to happen that will lead them to financial breakthrough and success.
Your time is going. Stop the false hope.
If you want something stand up and fight for it. That is the only way to have a better future.
5.If you want to be rich simply serve many people.
Who are the richest people in the world? The most generous souls who solve the world's biggest problems.
Wealth creation follows a simple law of sowing and reaping.
The more people you are able to serve the richer you will become.
As a young person you should focus your life on trivialities.
You shouldn't have business with people who see problems as a bad thing.
Your primary assignment should be to figure out a significant human problem you can solve for a significant number of people and master how to monetize it.
If you want to be rich, master how to solve problems.i am not saying it's that easy.
There Are obstacles and headaches you will have to overcome but the outcome will definitely be worth it.
6.You are only poor if you give up. The most important thing is that you should do something.Most people only talk and dream of getting rich.
I know people who told me they wanted to become entrepreneurs more than a decade ago and still today, they are still holding on to jobs that make life terrible.
As a young person you must understand that you have nothing to lose by taking actions.
Yes, you will fail,make mistakes and cry ,but in the end , you will get better. Don't eat sweet dreams , eat bitter actions.
7. Face your fears and doubts and a new world will open to you.
Many people think some other people are naturally courageous enough but that is not true.Fear is an integral part of human makeup .We all have a terrible percentage of fear as a warning signal that we are about to hurt ourselves.
So how do courageous people become courageous? Simple
They face their fear. Yes. face your fear.identify what you are afraid of and do just that.
Action is the only remedy for fear. Stop thinking about what you are afraid of , step out and confront what you are afraid of .Stop thinking about what you wish to it.
8.The wealthy buy luxury last while the poor and middle class tend to buy luxuries first. Why? Emotional discipline
Apple is now a trillion dollar company,not because the world needs Apple products,but because the world wants them.
An average human being earns money to spend. the rich earn to invest.
If you are not disciplined enough to overcome the temptation to run after every shining object, you will end up poor.
Before you make a decision to buy anything,always ask yourself “Do I really need this thing or its mere want?”
You will soon discover that 90% of stuff you will buy are mere wants.
Most times, we decide to buy because everyone is buying , not really because we need these new shining objects.
9. Financial struggle is often the direct result of people working all their lives for someone else.
Unfortunately , almost everyone is trained to be an employee. The problem with being an employee is that you don't have the leverage to be wealthy.For instance you cannot make money when you don't work and you can't use other people's time or energy to make money.
Financial struggle is often the direct result of people working all their lives for someone else.
10.Winners are not afraid of losing but losers are.failure is part of the process of success.
To be successful in life you must be willing to fail.Failure is not a bad thing, it's the name of the road that leads to success. Winners are not afraid of failing. If you don't fail you can't win.
Get robert kiyosakis book Rich dad poor dad here
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